How to Support CREST

CREST is a 501(3)c nonprofit charitable organization. It is the Financial Policy of CREST to maintain a balance of income sources including donations, grants and event fundraising. CREST is funded from donations, fundraising events, and grants.


The Annual Appeal, October – December, is matched by an anonymous donor. 

Donations can also be made in the memory of someone special. Donors receive a receipt for tax purposes.


Going online makes contributing easy! CREST is registered with   Amazon Smile as a designated destination for donations. Go to their website, look for CAREGIVER RESPONSE EFFORT & SERVICE TEAM, check it and you are done!

Members of Thrivent may also designate CREST for their choice dollars. Simply check Caregiver Response Effort & Service Team in the Thrivent website or when asked to designate your choice dollars.


The Care Team Support Services are made possible in part under the Federal Older Americans Act through an award from the Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging under an Area Plan approved by the Minnesota Board of Aging.

Funding from grants comes from State/Federal Grants, corporations and service specific grants.

CREST has been awarded two Cares Act Title III grants to support the transportation, telephone reassurance, support groups and individual support services in 2021. 

Past grants have come from the Schmeeckle Foundation, Martin County Area Foundation, Fairmont United Way, Bremer Trust, state of Minnesota Live Well at Home grants, and other local foundations.


The CREST Annual Pillow Cleaning, Fluff and Puff, is held twice a year. The Fairmont Ministerial Association sponsors the annual Festival of Music with proceeds donated to CREST.


To donate to CREST simply make out your check to CREST. Mail or bring it to:

820 Winnebago Ave, Ste 2
Fairmont, MN 56031.